blogging. Maybe I am turning over a new blog life.
today is my birthday. I had a great day with my family. lily and paco painted a ceramic frame at the you-paint-your-own-ceramics place and Paco gave me a heated neck massager. They got me a peanut butter cup cake from coldstone creamery. it was special because they were so sweet and i didn't have to cook or orchestrate!
the picture is lily with one of our backyard turtles. The dogs had it and paco brought it in for a little downtime before he and lil returned it to where we think they live. we see turtles so often we marked the latest one with a paint marker on the back of the shell in an effort to track our local population.
lillian has her first show and tell tomorrow. she is taking a photo collage poster form this summer (free from Shutterfly!). the theme is transportation and she will be able to show them pictures of her riding an elephant, in a roller coaster, and driving a trash truck.
i feel shredded. due to the horrible sore throat i have, i think i am dealing with a real cold and not just fm. Paco is going to take Lily to school, so I will have the morning to drink tea and finish changing out the closets. Luckily, the hand me down winter coat from my nephew fits Lillian great.