The most exciting news is that our goats are coming!! We will bring them here the weekend after our vacation. One doe is lactating already, but lost her kid and the other doe is due in February. We are starting to get things ready. The hardest part may be finding hay.
This Christmas has been a joyful low stress one. I have changed in some significant way. I am not so stressed--no longer have a foot long to do list in my head. I am much, much closer to my ideal of living in the moment.
Our sugarless Christmas has been great and I think a big part of my new calmer self. Lillian and I made some kick-butt stevia-sweetened biscotti.
Lillian is finally breaking up the congestion that has been plaguing her and her tonsils for so long. Her tonsils are still huge but I think we are on the road to recovery--thank you zinc and Chinese herbs!!!
Paco's latest lipid panel was incredible--all his numbers were great not just good. He is taking the same high-quality fish oil I am and look at the results!!
total ch--188 to 146
total ldl--98 to 82
total hdl--42 to 46
triglycerides--238-to 90!!
Low sugar much lower carb diet we are all following is helping a lot too.
I am teaching Lillian to meditate. My own mediation practice has deepened with my new-found tranquility (and aided in it of course) and I thought this was something I could share with her. Lillian's personality is much like her mother's, she can be very stubborn and rigid. This leaves her frustrated a lot of the time. I would like to raise her with some of the tools to deal that.
Anyway, I talked her through a mediation before sleeping last week. She loved it and immediately turned over and fell asleep. I have downloaded some podcasts for her too. Meditating has now become the last thing she does each night and often falls asleep during it. Here is a link to a great children's Christmas mediation.