Lillian now uses this phrase when something is really wonderful to watch--like the parades at Disney World and the Velveteen Rabbit theatre piece we just saw. She also says things like "my body needs a carrot" and "My body wants to stay with you mom"
The picture is of Lillian making a snow angel in our latest snowfall. What a wet winter! We trekked to the back of the property to try out her new sled, but there was too much snow and we got too wet and cold getting back there to really stay long. Once inside we warmed up with some goat's milk hot chocoalte.
The other pic is of Valentine and Emma born on Sunday afternoon-Feb. 2. They had already been born when I got to the barn and I just helped clean them off and brought them in to get warm. We had already pretty much decided to bottle raise them, but when Emma tried to nurse, Lizzie clomped her in the head with a back hoof. Her maternal instinct is zero and she wants nothing to do with them. Our decision was made for us. They were inside in a dog kennel for about 4 days and now they are in the barn with the does. Paco sectioned off a corner of the stall with a heat lamp for them.
Since we got doelings, we won't have to deal with castration, but we are going to have to disbud this weekend. This entails burning off the nubs under the skin that will soon become horns. Sounds fun, huh?
Lizzie is a crappy mom but a stupendous milker! Her milk is still builiding and we are already getting 1 1/2+gallons a day. About half of that goes to Emma and Vaklentine, who are sleek and happy. I have made some feta and It is wonderful!!
Another busy Valentine's Day has come and gone. La Scala broke sales records and Paco and I marked 13 married years. He got me a small greenhouse and I got him a gold bracelet. I have all my seeds and some on order and am itching to get the greenhouse going!
Our chickens are on order. We expect 15 Araucana pullets for eggs and 15 Cronish cross for meat. I am still debating about turkeys. Turkeys and chickens are supposed to be raised separately and that just won't work very well for us.
Lillian, who named the doelings, is getting used to the goats and has been accompanying me to the barn for the evening milking. She really likes that she has milk she is not allergic too and that she can have grilled cheese sandwiches!!