Last night while getting ready for bed, Lillian found a small bruise on my shin and gave it a kiss. I thanked her and she said,
Don't worry mom, I have lots more kisses for you!
AHHHHHH. She sure can make me melt. This has to be put in the context of me telling ,y doctor this week that I would be fine if Lillian would just shut up!
Here is Lillian playing with her over sized soccer ball and goal while waiting to get in the pool. Note this picture is right before our annual super-short summer haircut.
Lillian and I had a busy day yesterday. We made goop (the cornstarch kind) and Lillian was amazed by this crazy stuff that was liquid and solid all at once. We played for quite a long time and then we cleaned up for quite a long time too. We made cloud pictures. Lillian's is a piece of popcorn and mine is a ladybug (who actually looks like a turtle).
We drove down the road to Hamilton's to see what was left in the greenhouse and picked up a few things. Lillian was talking up a storm!!! You just never know when she will be social or not. She even let Mrs. Hamilton take her and put her on the tree swing. She was identifying flowers that I had taught her and even asked if she could eat some of the chive plant.
Speaking of chives, she has decided that she likes to eat onions (but not be in the kitchen when mom is cutting them) and she likes spicy! Go girl!
LAst Saturday was the 'Round the Fountain Art Fair and Lillian and I had a great time while Dad worked. We talkied about all the diferent things people use to make art and were inspired to do more of our own. We checked out the Hobby Lobby clearance asile this week and are the proud owners of pastels and watercolors. Mommy is hoping to do some on her own, but I will share too.
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