I am not a heat person, but since moving to the country, summer has grown on me in a big way. We spend as much time outside as we do in and I love it. Having a pool makes the heat much more tolerable.
Friday night, we were all working in the garden when we heard one of our rooster's make a first attempt at crowing. it was pretty funny. Now more of them are doing it and practice is helping.
One of my favorite things about summer is that Lily and Paco have a nightly ritual of eating Popsicles on the porch after dinner. Lily gets in Dad's lap and they giggle and chat. Mom gets a chance to clean up the kitchen and get the milking tote ready.
Garden update---harvested beets, lots of lettuce, and 2 heads of cheddar cauliflower. Amish paste tomatoes have green tomatoes on them. All the squashes have blossoms except Zuchinno Rampicante and Tatume. Mouse melons are growing well, but no blossoms yet. Mini white cukes are growing great and have plenty of blossoms. Kale needs harvested. First tomatillos are forming and one eggplant has a small fruit. I made 2 batches of sugar free strawberry jam during the storm last night. The sugar free sure-jel worked great and I used 1 cup of agave nectar per batch as sweetener. The yield is far less due to the missing sugar, but now we have a product that is healthier for all of us and mom can eat!!
Father's Day---Lillian made Paco a picture of he and I getting married---complete with veil, dress, and us holding hands. that child is a ball of love. she drew herself in the picture too. She says that she wasn't born yet, but she was there in our hearts. wahhh!
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