Tuesday, December 4, 2007

who's the fairest of them all

Riggy has been found! I called all the places we were in the mall (again) and Riggy was at Bath and Body Works. Lillian was gleeful to have the "real" Riggy back. I will keep the on-order Riggy hidden away for the next time this happens.

Another mall moment: we took Lillian in the Disney store to get her excited about the trip. She quickly found a pepto-bismol pink vanity complete with rollers, brush, comb, etc. She LOVED it. This is exactly the kind of thing I would NEVER buy her. She did not care about anything else in the store as she styled her hair and looked in the mirror. So, I wonder---am I right in denying her something so basically girlie? I am not very girlie myself. It was hard for me to even buy her a baby doll. Once I did, I saw the error of my ways. I know in my heart that surrounding her with over the top pink and lavender plastic toys that teach her being a girl is all bout her appearance are WRONG! ----but what inner yearning and natural desire am I ignoring?

The picture is phase one of construction of our gingerbread house. Lillian is taking a picture to send Nanny and holding Nanny "on the phone" at the same time. I will include the finished product here also.

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