Monday, June 25, 2007

Catching Up

Well, I am not going to attempt to cover everything I've missed, but I am up early and do have a chance to do this. We've been super busy lately since I am on a home projects rampage. Lil and I have been working hard upstairs. I've made new curtains for her room finally and we added some more wall decor and organized her closets. We have been centrealizing all of outr craft stuff to the guest room and getting that organized. The craft stuff has been the final phase of the move. Until now, it has been all over the house. Lillian and I have been trying to put the stuff to good use too. I have been showing her some different media--especially pastels.

Lillian is campaigning hard for a sibling. She spent a good 10 minutes the other evening at bedtime telling me how much she wants a baby brother and all the things she will teach him. She has offered again to grow one in her tummy. I think I finally convinced her that just won't work so she says she will find another lady to grow one. I told her that a baby brother is a project for mom and dad to work on right now and even if we don't get one we will be a happy family.

Paco and I are talking about going through foster parent training this fall and perhaps fostering to adopt. I need to get my very carefully worded story straight to explain this to Lillian in the right way.

Lillian is super-excited right now about the impending arrival of Nanny & Grampy and her birthday party. Paco and I have been teasing her and telling her we had no idea she wanted a sandbox for her birthday and that's not what she is getting.

We have been swimming a lot too--when it hasn't been pouring. We ares o proud of her swimming, She has come a long way since last summer. We presented her with a BRAVO ribbon from the dollar store. The morning we gave it to her, she proudly wore it to the grocery store.

Lillian and I also went to Hands on Trucks at the Imagination Station a few weeks ago. Paco was at the restaurant fixing the toaster oven unfortunately, because this would have been a great event for the 2 of them. Lillian checked out the City Bus, trash truck, and fire truck. She also proudly told the lady manning the Mobile Library that her mom helped make it. Then we left--way to many sirens for Lillian. The picture is of her in the trash truck--by far her favorite. She was gleefully reciting bits from Trashy Town. "Dump it in, smash it down, drive around the trashy town."

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Bootiful Tummy

This will be a scattered post. I have several things to report from the last few days.

Now that Lillian understands the whole tummy/baby connection and that mommy's tummy is not strong enough to hold a growing baby, she has decided that she will grow us a baby brother in her tummy. She has assured me that her tummy is very strong and that she is up to the job. I explained to her that her body is too small to really accomplish this feat and that it takes a very long time to grow a baby in your tummy. What a wonder!!

I remarked to her the other day that she is very beautiful. I don't say things like this too much. She is remarkably beautiful and hears it ALL the time wherever we go. She is fed up with it. PLUS I don't want her sense of self to be entwined with her outside appearance anymore than it has to be, but I am sometimes overwhelmed by this beautiful creature who is my daughter and it slips out. She replied
It takes a long time to be as bootiful as me.

We went discount shopping at Big Lots for a birthday present we needed for the weekend. As always, we found more than we came for, including some plastic farm animals and some jumbo Lincoln logs. I remembered my own Lincoln logs and was sold. Anyway, we came home to set-up our farm and had a blast. After we built our Lincoln log farm, Lillian sorted all the animals into family groups and was quite vexed to only have 2 chickens. Of course, she wants each family unit to have a mommy, daddy, and baby because she is modeling us. We solved the problem, by having the chickens have a duck daddy and then we were fine.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

How Good It Feels & The Big Question

...when it all clicks. We had a great day. Just stayed home. Cleaned upstairs, made enchiladas for lunch, went swimming, gave Lil a bath, trad with her (Little Critter marathon), worked in the kitchen (made brownies and hung curtains (she played with her little zoo), and then to bed. Completely ordinary, but Lillian and I were meshing so well it was just great.

After her bath, she asked me to rock her oin the living room. I rarely get this chance so I said sure. So we sat in the rocker and watched an episode of Franklin. Out of the blue, she asked me
how did you make me?

I paused for a moment and then told her I did not make her. She grew like a seed (I also said flower) in a tummy and then she was born (came out) and mommy and daddy were waiting for her. She asked me if it was my tummy. I said no, it was a different lady's tummy. She asked if the different lady took her home. I said of course not because mommy and daddy were waiting for her and took care of her in the hospital and then brought her home. She paused a moment and seemed satisfied. Then she asked me to tell her again. I did and she said OK.

I felt so proud of her for the smart questions, sad that I could not tell her I made her, and happy with my own handling of the situation all at the same time. I thank author Karen Katz for the "you grew like a flower in another lady's tummy" concept. I am deeply grateful and think it the perfect phrase. I was clam and cool, but inseide I was caught between tears and screaming "Holy Shit!"

Thursday, June 7, 2007

How does your garden grow?

Paco, Lil and I spent an hour after dinner yesterday pulling weeds and getting the flower bed around the fence and under the crab apple in shape. A job I had been dreading was a lot of fun when we all did it together. Lillian is a superb gardener! She was making sure not to pull the wrong thing and having a lot of fun. This was especially remarkable since she already should have been in bed. She was in such a good mood though that I just let us all ride the wave of it.

She said
mom, i love working in the garden. sometimes i find something beautiful and keep it for a little while and then put it back.

I showed her an immature apple that had fallen off the tree and she put it in her pocket so it wouldn't get cold. We also saw a cocoon and Lillian told me the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar.

The picture is from Lillian's expanded garden several weeks ago. It is much fuller now and her lilies are blooming.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Lots more kisses

Last night while getting ready for bed, Lillian found a small bruise on my shin and gave it a kiss. I thanked her and she said,
Don't worry mom, I have lots more kisses for you!

AHHHHHH. She sure can make me melt. This has to be put in the context of me telling ,y doctor this week that I would be fine if Lillian would just shut up!

Here is Lillian playing with her over sized soccer ball and goal while waiting to get in the pool. Note this picture is right before our annual super-short summer haircut.


Lillian and I had a busy day yesterday. We made goop (the cornstarch kind) and Lillian was amazed by this crazy stuff that was liquid and solid all at once. We played for quite a long time and then we cleaned up for quite a long time too. We made cloud pictures. Lillian's is a piece of popcorn and mine is a ladybug (who actually looks like a turtle).

We drove down the road to Hamilton's to see what was left in the greenhouse and picked up a few things. Lillian was talking up a storm!!! You just never know when she will be social or not. She even let Mrs. Hamilton take her and put her on the tree swing. She was identifying flowers that I had taught her and even asked if she could eat some of the chive plant.

Speaking of chives, she has decided that she likes to eat onions (but not be in the kitchen when mom is cutting them) and she likes spicy! Go girl!

LAst Saturday was the 'Round the Fountain Art Fair and Lillian and I had a great time while Dad worked. We talkied about all the diferent things people use to make art and were inspired to do more of our own. We checked out the Hobby Lobby clearance asile this week and are the proud owners of pastels and watercolors. Mommy is hoping to do some on her own, but I will share too.