Monday, October 13, 2008


this link should take you to Lily and my's TV appearance for our yoga class.

Yesterday, we went to a local dairy where we got to tour the facility and see a calf being born. We were on a bus for the tour and when we stood up for disboarding, Lily pointed toward the back and said loudly "A Mexican! A Mexican!" Obviously she has been taught about Mexico and is starting to recognize people's ethnicities. We laughed, but explained it os not OK to point at people. Of course, since Lily and her dad are obviously Hispanic themselves, people thought this was cute.

She also amazed us yesterday by raising her hand in a group of 40 people and asking a question. I almost fell over!

About a month ago, we were in Indy at INS to renew Paco's green card. When I was filling out the form I told Paco it was complete except for his Alien number. This cracked Lillian up for hours to find out her daddy is a martian.

1 comment:

Jen said...

We've tried again and again to watch the vid, but to no avail. We DO love the business cards, though! So cool!