Thursday, May 10, 2007

Let's get started--underwear and more

The hope is to create a virtual diary of Lillian's life and our parental journey---the excellent, the fun, and the challenges too.

Lillian has conquered the potty in the past 2 weeks and we are extremely proud and ecstatic. She is yet to do #2, but will take off her undies, put on a pull-up and then tell me she has done the deed. She has also moved back upstairs to her own room again and is doing great. She alwys ends up with us sometime during the night to "cuddle up." That's OK too.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hooray Lillian! Big girl underwear are a big step-- you are truly becoming a big girl now.

Hope you enjoy your blog as much as friends and relatives do, Kirsten!